UNIPET Suet Pellets With Mealworm


Product Information Premium Select Suet Pellets are highly nutritious for wild birds. Great for woodpeckers, bluebirds, chickadees and most common backyard birds. Specially formulated for easy feeding and will help birds replace lost energy when they need it most. Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Rendered Beef Suet, Glucose, Peanut Flour, Dried Mealworms Store in a cool, dry…

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SKU: 859860002514
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UNIPET Premium Select Suet, Suet Pellets with Mealworm

Net Weight: 19.4oz

Feeding Instructions: Feed our Premium Select Suet pellets in a wire tube style feeder or platform feeder. You may also mix your pellets with your favorite seed blend in your traditional bird feeder. Always ensure feeders are kept clean and that fresh water is available.


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